Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Ascii QR

In my spare time, I work on little projects. Here's one of them.

It creates QR Codes in text, instead of images. The Source is available.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Shiny Suds: Shine-Tastic!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

An Interview: Encyclopedia Dramatica moderator

After the Censorship affair earlier this year, Nine MSN contacted a moderator from Encyclopedia Dramatica (the "Evil Twin" of Wikipedia).

Image Source

What follows is a demonstration of well thought out, logical, calm and convincing discussion on the merits of absolute free speech.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A special note for the Stoners

Avoid watching while High*

*High on life of course


If you are a like me, it pains you to have to read articles that look like this or this. All that fluff and clutter.

Thankfully, there are solutions to these problems, like Readability.

Drag and drop it to your browser's bookmark bar (assuming you have a *proper* browser, like Opera, Chrome, Safari or Firefox) and click it for clean reading.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Sheridan Street, now with moar Big Brother

Looks like Sheridan Street is getting a Big Brother treatment:

I presume they will be used to watch for heavy vehicles running up and down Sheridan Street, because even The Nanny State has said that CCTV for Crime prevention is useless.