
Dissassembly of Breville BTM800XL Tea Maker Base

As I couldn't really find any instructions on how to do this, here's what I've discovered. Also, forgive how filthy it is, clearly I don't turn it upside down enough... Remove the three screws indicated with yellow arrows. Two of these are normal philips screws (under the foot pads, these can be removed with a flat screwdriver), the other is a small hex screw. Then, there are 4 screws that secure the circut board down And then, yup... that's a circuit board.

Salesforce: "No such column 'BOGUS' on entity"

To hopefully save someone the hours I just wasted. If you see this error message when doing an Create, Update, Upsert or Delete using the PHP Toolkit: Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [sf:INVALID_FIELD] INVALID_FIELD: No such column 'BOGUS' on entity 'Thing__c'. It's because you've double wrapped the record array: $createArray = array(); $createArray[0]->Foo__c = 'bar'; $createResult = $sfdcConnection->create( array($createArray) , 'Thing__c'); The issue here of course being that the array called "$createArray" is being wrapped in another array... Avoid doing that...

Salesforce: Calling batch methods from other batch methods

Have you just had the fun situation where a Salesforce batch has run, which caused something (such as a trigger, etc) to cause another batch to attempt to run? If you have, then you know the frustration of getting the joyous error message below: Database.executeBatch cannot be called from a batch or future method. There are two ways of addressing the "Salesforce Feature". Rewrite your classes to not run if either System.isFuture() or System.isBatch() is true. or... Change the API version of all effected classes and triggers to exactly v27. This single version of the api allows batches to be called from batches. This is obviously not a "good" solution, but if it's a stupid solution, and it works, it's still a solution.

Auto Scaling Image height in Salesforce Formula Fields

You can use Images is formulas, but if you want to scale them you have to specify height and width not useful if your images are going to be random aspect ratios! So, simply replace the element you want to scale automatically with "-1". This is a valid formula: IMAGE( 'PATH_TO_IMAGE.PNG', 'The Alt Tag', -1, 200) that image will always be 200px wide, and as high as it needs to be.

Easy Maps for Account and Contact Addresses in Salesforce

Some time ago, Salesforce had to remove their "Google Maps for Salesforce" from the App Exchange due to a change in Google's Licencing arrangements. I've not seen a good example of easy to use Google Maps in Salesforce since, so here are some Custom Field Formulas. Simply create a new Custom Field with a Forumla -> Text type, and copy/paste the below into the formula area. On the page layout, it works really well below the address entry areas. Each of these will display a static image map inline in Salesforce, and once the user clicks on the map, it will automatically display directions from the User's Address (stored on their User Profile) to that location. It will also complain to the user if they do not have an address on their profile, and will not display the Maps until they do. Account Billing Address if(or( $User.Street = "",  $User.City = "",  $User.Country  = ""),IMAGE("/img/samples/flag_red.gif", &q

Australian Business Number (ABN) Validation Rule for

Assuming your Custom field is "ABN" (API Name = "ABN__c") then you can stuff this formula in a validation rule to ensure that ABNs entered are valid by using the same logic the government does . not(and (   LEN(TRIM( ABN__c )) == 11,   ISNUMBER(ABN__c),   mod(       (((VALUE(MID(ABN__c, 1, 1)) - 1 ) * 10) +  (VALUE(MID(ABN__c, 2, 1)) * 1) +  (VALUE(MID(ABN__c, 3, 1)) * 3) +  (VALUE(MID(ABN__c, 4, 1)) * 5) +  (VALUE(MID(ABN__c, 5, 1)) * 7) +  (VALUE(MID(ABN__c, 6, 1)) * 9) +  (VALUE(MID(ABN__c, 7, 1)) * 11) +  (VALUE(MID(ABN__c, 8, 1)) * 13) +  (VALUE(MID(ABN__c, 9, 1)) * 15) +  (VALUE(MID(ABN__c, 10, 1)) * 17) +  (VALUE(MID(ABN__c, 11, 1)) * 19)), 89   ) == 0 ))

Cairns Webcams for Cyclone Ita

Here are some links for Webcams around Far North Queensland. I'll strike them out as they go down. Cairns Cooktown