
Showing posts from January, 2011

One "Art" please.

It's not often I agree with "modern" art. But then again, this is really just contemporary art with modern tools:

Think About It Ya Bogans


Kitchen's on Fire

Looks like someone left the noodles on too long. Actually, it looks like it was just a false alarm. Two trucks rocked up, turned off the alarm and left. No smoke, no fire.

Let the Mana flow...

One of the things I am looking forward to this year is the opening of the Sydney chapter of the Mana Bar . Mana Bar is the first Australian cocktail bar and video gaming lounge located in Brisbane, Australia within its biggest night-life and entertainment district, Fortitude Valley. The bar held its opening event on March 20, 2010. The bar allows visitors to play current generation gaming console free of charge while enjoying video game themed drinks. The bar is open seven nights a week and often runs special events such as prizes, giveaways, live entertainment and special guests - Wikipedia Games, Cocktails and Geeks. What could be better?

The LHC will be Jealous

The Fermi satellite is a gamma ray detector in orbit. For a while now it has been detecting itself as a gamma ray emitter. Thor has been playing tricks...