
Showing posts from 2013

Australian Postcode Boundaries for Google Earth (KMZ)

I searched for ages, and couldn't find where to get a KMZ / KML file for Google Earth that had all the Australian Postcode Boundaries in it... So I made one based on the 1270.0.55.003 - Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS): Volume 3 - Non ABS Structures, July 2011 . I claim no additional copyright on this, but please ensure you are able to use the data according to the ABS Copyright rules Here is the download link

Inline 18 digit Salesforce ID Excel formula

If you have not got the ability to create a custom field to generate the 18 digit case insensetive ID, as demonstrated here , you can use this formula to convert the ID in "A2" to the 18 digit ID. Of course you can then extend this formula all the way down column A if you need to. =A2 & LOOKUP(IF(AND(CODE(RIGHT(LEFT($A2,5),1))>=65,CODE(RIGHT(LEFT($A2,5),1))<=90),1,0) & IF(AND(CODE(RIGHT(LEFT($A2,4),1))>=65,CODE(RIGHT(LEFT($A2,4),1))<=90),1,0) & IF(AND(CODE(RIGHT(LEFT($A2,3),1))>=65,CODE(RIGHT(LEFT($A2,3),1))<=90),1,0)& IF(AND(CODE(RIGHT(LEFT($A2,2),1))>=65,CODE(RIGHT(LEFT($A2,2),1))<=90),1,0)& IF(AND(CODE(LEFT($A2,1))>=65,CODE(LEFT($A2,1))<=90),1,0),{"00000","00001","00010","00011","00100","00101","00110","00111","01000","01001","01010","01011","01100","01101","0111...