
Showing posts from June, 2014

Australian Business Number (ABN) Validation Rule for

Assuming your Custom field is "ABN" (API Name = "ABN__c") then you can stuff this formula in a validation rule to ensure that ABNs entered are valid by using the same logic the government does . not(and (   LEN(TRIM( ABN__c )) == 11,   ISNUMBER(ABN__c),   mod(       (((VALUE(MID(ABN__c, 1, 1)) - 1 ) * 10) +  (VALUE(MID(ABN__c, 2, 1)) * 1) +  (VALUE(MID(ABN__c, 3, 1)) * 3) +  (VALUE(MID(ABN__c, 4, 1)) * 5) +  (VALUE(MID(ABN__c, 5, 1)) * 7) +  (VALUE(MID(ABN__c, 6, 1)) * 9) +  (VALUE(MID(ABN__c, 7, 1)) * 11) +  (VALUE(MID(ABN__c, 8, 1)) * 13) +  (VALUE(MID(ABN__c, 9, 1)) * 15) +  (VALUE(MID(ABN__c, 10, 1)) * 17) +  (VALUE(MID(ABN__c, 11, 1)) * 19)), 89   ) == 0 ))