Australus Roast
Australus Roast. Heard that term before? It is a palatable name for kangaroo, like venison is a neutral name for the fluffy, pretty deer. So Skippy has a nice name now. Kangaroo is quite a "good" animal for Australians to eat. It is good for the environment - as they do not produce anywhere nearly as much methane as cows do, and they have no impact on erosion like hard hoofed animals do. It is also good for people - as it is very low in fat, and high in protein.
If you have not had Australus before, I would encourage you to try it. For my friends in London, goto your local Walkabout and try their Kangaroo Burger. For us back in Oz, pick yours up at the supermarket, I got mine from the Redlynch Woolworths. It was Macro Meats brand. They have Filets, Roasts, Sausages and Mince. It doesn't really taste like anything else. Just buy some and try it, it is rather cheap too!
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