The People's Broadband Network

Well, it has been a great week so far (and surprisingly that is not sarcasm), and things just got a little better...

Now by now you all should know that I don't trust any politicians as far as I could kick them (well actually now that I am a black-belt, that would be a good distance, but I digress). Chairman Rudd has just announced that instead of awarding the National People's Broadband Network to a consortium of companies, the government is going to build it themselves. I see good things and bad things in this:

The Good:

  • Will probably be built

  • Telstra doesn't get their grubby hands on it

The Bad:

  • Gross inefficiencies in construction, as with all government work

  • It will takes "up to 9 years) (so read that as at least 14), and will probably not survive the LNP getting into power.

From what I have gathered in the news articles I have read so far (1, 2) it would appear that instead of deploying FTTN to 98% of the population, they will be delivering 100mbit FTTH to 90% (capital cities) and covering the remaining population with 12mbit "wireless and satellite technologies".

I can't wait to see how the opposition will try to stop this... "Too expensive" "unproven technology" "it was Conroy's idea".. Actually that last one does have a certain ring to it...


  1. I'm not certain on this Fosnez?

    Suggested economic commentary for the liberal left literati is at Age / ABC correspondent Peter Martin:

    However, I have my ABC radio playing now with news forecasts of dire outcomes for Telstra somewhat at odds with a 4% jump in the Telstra share price on a down day? Huh,please explain ABC? Follow the money ..... remember here that it was the Centrebet market that predicted the last Qld election not the polls!

    I suspect this will be hugely popular however has many problems. The laws of unintended consequences will apply some years out just as they have in the past and do now!


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