Make new signs boys

I expect to see the speed limit for the bruce highway between cairns and innisfail will soon be reduced to 80km/h or possibly 60km/h. Why you ask? Well, some people have died.
Now I may sounds a little heartless here, but every time you strap yourself into one and a half tons of metal, and travel only inches away from other people in tanks traveling at a combined speed of 200km/h, people are going to die. Sorry, but it is that simple. To think otherwise is foolish.
Reducing the speed limit seems to be default behaviour for the far north branch of the department of main roads (or whatever they are called this week). Just look at what happened on the Kuranda Range: Speed limit dropped to 60, 2 overtaking lanes removed and only after a number of complains was the speed limited increased to a measly 70 on the long uphill overtaking lane. All this when the speed limit for the (more dangerous) Gillies Range is still 80.
Another fine example of bureaucrats that obviously live to the south of the city is the reduction of speed limits of the roundabouts to the north of the city. Firstly, they are completely un-enforceable - police cannot issue a ticket within 100m of a speed zone change, and cannot issue them on corners. Secondly, 60? seriously? the roads were all designed for 80, so why do they suddenly need to be 60? If you are too stupid to understand how roundabouts work, and cannot take them at a speed that everyone else seems to be able to, go and use the redlynch bypass.
Henry, you make a damm fine point ya know!