Woolworths bans Visa Debit

Incase you missed it, Woolworths, in their infinite wisdom, have decided to ban the use of Visa Debit Cards from April 15, 2010.

This means that if you would normally use a Visa Debit Card, you will have to use the saving (spendings?) or cheque option at the checkout.

Or, as I plan to do - Fill up a nice big trolly, rock up to the checkout, attempt to pay with visa debit. When they decline, chastise the store manager and walk out.

For the sake of your other customers, don't do this during peak our. Or arrange a flashmob of 20 people to do it at the same time...


  1. Just discovered this myself and I'm fuming... I like your solution though, will try it next time...

  2. I heard this suggestion today but this person also had collected a range of deli products in their trolley which then could not be put back in the deli. I also heard another person went to the deli and orderer a kilo of prawns which they then 'changed their mind about' and left at the back of a shelf somewhere in the store. Obviously a topic lots of people feel strongly about. A credit union I spoke to are trying to remove fees on cheques just because of this as paying by cheque ties up the checkout and then is a hassle for them to bank.


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