Pub Dress Code
Grab your double pluggers, throw a pair of shorts on and lets go down the the pub!

It would appear someone has just been wingeing to daddy. A former state treasurer (now cast to the liberal backbench) Rob Lucas has asked:

It would appear someone has just been wingeing to daddy. A former state treasurer (now cast to the liberal backbench) Rob Lucas has asked:
Are young men wearing "fashionable shorts" being discriminated against by hotels and clubs in Adelaide?
I can only guess that his son has been recently turned away from a pub and he went bitching strait to daddy. But honestly, it does annoy me that it is socially acceptable for girls to wear sandles and "strapie" shoes to work and pubs/clubs, but boys are not... Not that I have any need for high heals.
Oh come on Henry, we all know you have more than high heels in your closet ;-)