There's news
Some of it is good, some of it is bad.
The bad news it that you're dead. There are few details on how it happened, shy of it involving a spoon and 3cc of mouse blood. This is a pity. It is a pity because if there were more infomation, it would be easier to tell you how you died and inform your loved ones of it. However you don't really care, as you are dead. Unfortunatly for a lot of your online "friends" (and I use the term lightly) they will probably not know of your death for a while. After all, who is going to know your msn/facebook/myspace login details after you have passed on?

Enter LegacyLocker. Legacy Locker is "a safe, secure repository for your digital property that lets you grant access to online assets for friends and loved ones in the event of death or disability." In other words, it contains all your various usernames and passwords to be used in the event of your unfortunate demise.
With all the important information online, such as pictures, emails, automatic bank payments, etc - Having this store of information may be the best way to enabling the people you leave behind to lay to rest your online presence. It would also allow your family to post such classy facebook status as "Fosnez is dead" etc.
It will be a while until I release my online identity to some random company. Perhaps if it was purchased by Google or something I would feel more secure, but until now passwords written in a safe place will have to suffice!
VitalLock - is promising the same functionality with strong (pgp) public key encryption of your data with your family's or friend's public keys.